My Honey is building the boys a tree house in the backyard, and he does not do things small. LOL! It's going to be a grand playset when he finally finishes it....they may never come inside to the main house! So he's been pretty busy between work and then coming home to try and get it finished so that the boys can enjoy it this summer.
The boys, my cousin, and I leave for Florida in 2 weeks! Boy, I am dreading the traveling. But it will be wonderful to spend time with my friends and family! I miss them so very much! The boys are really excited that they will get to spend time with cousins especially. :)
I have some exciting news! I'm not sure how much I can share on here, so I will just say that some friends of ours are adopting 2 children, and are leaving very soon to go and get them and bring them home! I'm so very excited for them! The country they are adopting from requires 2 trips. They are both going the first trip, but he can't go with her the second trip due to work. So she has asked me to go with her to bring her precious little ones home!!! I am beyond thrilled, and so honored that she asked me to go with her! So, Lord willing, we will be leaving within the next few months.
I see God's hand moving everything into place. No, it's not as quick as I'd like. No, it's not the way I would do it. But I wouldn't want it any other way. His way is perfect! How amazing to be able to see my friend's adoption story first hand! To experience travel to another country and visit an orphanage, where there are so many little ones who need a family! To spend time with a parent of a special need's child, and learn all that I can! To be a blessing and to help in any way I can! WOW! Thank you Lord!
I will update on our trip as it gets closer and dates are set! And I will find out if I can share names so that you might pray for this family! I know that they would appreciate that!
I am so thankful for each of you who are keeping up with my family on here, and praying for us! God has blessed us with such wonderful friends and family! :)
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